Central Ground Water Authority has been constituted under section 3 (3) of the Environment Protection Act, 1986 to regulate and control development and management of ground water resources in the country.
All Ground Water users such as Industries, Mining and Infrastructure Projects has to apply to CGWA for Ground Water Abstraction No Objection Certificate.
Reva consultancy is providing this service since 2006.
CGWA has assessed different area and categorized them under four categories: Safe, Semi critical, Critical & Over exploited area. Industries/Mining/Infrastructure Projects falling in different areas has to follow certain guidelines provided by the department. Services we provide for Fresh application to CGWA:
Once NOC is issued by the department, company has to fulfil all the conditions mentioned in the NOC. Self-compliance is mandatory to submit after one year. Services we provide for renewal of NOC:
Projects obtaining NOC are subjected to comply before one year of NOC released. Conditions mentioned in the CGWA NOC needs to be fulfilled in the compliance report. Services we provide for NOC Compliance:
Reva Consulantancy
C-204, Supath II complex,
Near Old Wadaj bus stop,
Ashram Road, Old Wadaj, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat 380013